From the heart of Chairman . . .
For me, Aditya Group is a Trident that pierces and destroys the evils of ignorance and impoverishment, with its three prongs of My DETERMINATION to provide to the students what I was denied, the benefits of quality education in comfortable conditions. The DEDICATION of my Heads of Institutions and their conviction in my vision and leadership. And the TRUST of the parent Community in me, my institutions and standards.
I know the value of a good education, more so because I did not have the benefit of the facilities that make the learning process smooth. I began my career as a lecturer, giving up my desire of qualifying in the Service Commission Examination. Out of my despair was born a strong determination which took the shape of Aditya Educational Institutions. With the philosophy of Thought-word-Deed, Aditya today is the proud alma mater of distinguished alumni and the ‘home away from home’ for thousands of bright and brilliant students. The AAAA- Aditya Alumni Association of America is the priceless gift that my former students gave me and I feel the association is the ultimate testimony for all my aspirations, ambitions and efforts.
Aditya is a perfect blend of traditional values and modern technology and the right combination of richly experienced veteran teachers and highly qualified, technically competent new age teachers. It is gratifying to see them joining their forces to serve the best of education to my students.
Every rupee that parents spend for their wards’ education is valued at Aditya where we strive to give them back what they seek: well disciplined education and remunerative employment. Aditya has been, and will always remain in the service of trusting parents and deserving students.