Hertz Photoelectric Effect
Hertz, in 1887 discovered the phenomena of photoelectric effect for the first time. He was experimenting on the generation of electromagnetic waves by spark…
Photoelectric Effect-Dual Nature of Radiation and matter
The Definition of Photo electric effect given in above article. The phenomenon of emission of electrons from a metallic surface by the incidence of…
Electron Emission- Dual Nature of Radiation and matter
Free Electrons move randomly in a conductor due to attraction of positive charges. So some energy is required to emit electrons from metal surface….
Consumer Equilibrium
Introduction: This Chapter consists of Utility, Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility, Budget line, budget constraint, monotonic preferences, indifference curve, and consumer equilibrium in cardinal…
Cash Flow Statement
Cash flow statement is statement of cash inflows and outflows of operating, investing and financing activities of business. It helps the management to prepare…
Electrode Potential
Electrode Potential:- The electrical potential difference set up between metals and its ions in the solution is called electrode potential. Cell potential or EMF…