Forms of Market and Price Determination
Market: It is defined as A place where buying and selling occurs.
According to Market Economist, A market is a process by which the prices of goods and services are established.
The first market system: It is exchanging by which goods or services are directly exchanged without using a medium of exchange, such as money.
Theory of firm under perfect competition:
- Perfect Competition is competition between a large number of buyers and a large number of sellers of a homogeneous product and uniform price.
Features of Perfect Competition:
- Large number of buyers and sellers
- Homogeneous product
- Freedom of entry or exit
- Perfect mobility
- Perfect Knowledge
Monopoly is meant to the single seller of a product with no close substitutes. Ex: Railways in India are a monopoly industry of the government of India.
Features of Monopoly
- One seller and large number of buyers
- Restrictions the entry of now firms
- No, close substitutes
- Full control over price
- Price disinclination
Monopoly is also called as price maker because monopoly can fix whatever price he wishes to fix his product
- Monopolistic competition: It is also market which has many sellers of the product but the product of each seller is different with other.
Features of monopolistic competition
- Large number of buyers and sellers
- Product differentiation
- Freedom of entry and exit of firm
- Selling cost
- Less mobility
- Lack of perfect knowledge
- Nonprice competition
- More can be sold at lower price
- Oligopoly: This is a form of the market in which there are a few big sellers of a commodity and a large number of buyers. Each seller has a significant share of the market
Features of Oligopoly:
- A few firms
- Large number of buyer
- Entry barriers
- Not possible to determine firm’s demand curve
- Formation of cartels
- Non-price competition
- Price line: the line plotted for different values of output price plan is called price line. In perfect competition the price line for both individual and demand curve are same.
- Revenue: it refers to the money receipts of firm from the sale of its output
- Total Revenue: It is the sum of revenue derived from the sale of all units of the commodity
Where, P= Price; Q=Output
AR=Average revenue
- Average Revenue: It is the revenue per unit output sold AR=TR/Q
- Marginal Revenue: It is the change in total revenue as a result of selling one more unit of output
- Profit is the difference between revenue and cost. Profit=revenue-cost
- Break Even Point: Breakeven for a firm occurs when it is able to cover its all costs of production. Accordingly, break –even point is defined as a situation when TR=TC or AR=AC under this situation, the firm earns only profits
- Shutdown Point: It occurs when the firm is just able to cover its variable costs, increasing the loss of fixed cost of production. According shut down point is defined as a situation when TR=TVC or AR =AVC
- Producer Equilibrium or Profit Maximization: A Producer is said to be in equilibrium when he maximizes his profits or minimizes his losses
Condition of Profit maximization
Me is rising or MC should cut MR from below