Sri. N.SESHA REDDY, Chairman
My career began as Lecturer. I always aspired to qualify in Service commission examinations. Failure greeted the student in me. But it could not make a dent in my clarity of vision and belief. At that tender age itself I pretty well knew the destiny of my life. Struggle to study under kerosene lamps, to attend school of inadequate buildings and to get along with what is available - all these turned my determination into steel. So came into existence ADITYA. To-day ADITYA stands tall in coastal districts from KG to PG with • 50 Educational Institutions • 5,000 employees • 50,000 students. This success is because of three aspects. The initiative, determination and commitment on my part and broad vision and the desire to serve the students on the part of my Heads of institutions and the belief of parents on ADITYA. Development has been consistent because we never took the middle ground - uncompromised all the way in providing infrastructure, dedicated teaching faculty and policy that adopted to the changing needs.
We strongly believe in this philosophy - thought, word and deed: if a firm is run inefficiently the loss accrues to that firm or connected persons alone; but if an educational institution is run inefficiently or negligently lives of thousands of students are at peril.
ADITYA has these inherent traditional values. We got the reward, too, in plenty. To-day students from various North Eastern states and other foreign countries come to seek education in ADITYA. This gives me satisfaction. Students who studied in ADITYA have formed Aditya Alumni Association in America (AAAA)! When I came to know this my joy knew no bounds. My ambitions, aspirations, and efforts bore fruit and I feel immensely gratified.
Management shares the common belief that each student has inherent potential and it is for the institution to bring it out.
Student is not a vase to fill; But is a fire to be lit. We are aware how parents from middle class background sacrifice all their bare personal needs to educate their children - what do they expect in return? Nothing short of a well disciplined education and remunerative employment - thus we account for each rupee they spend.
Younger generation which is more capable with wide exposure, awareness on modern technical innovations and strategic developments in the present day world is at the service of ADITYA institutions - This is a fortune for ADITYA.
Well, what more can I say to the trusting parents and earnest students. ADITYA has been, is and always will be in your service. I wish you all the best.