DR.B.E.V.L.NAIDU - Academic Coordinator

In this fast paced competitive world, unabated learning and ability to innovate are the key focus areas of most organizations. We, at ADITYA have designed our programmes keeping exactly these demands of the industry in mind to ensure that the students get opportunities to maximize their learning and increase the horizon of their knowledge.
ADITYA has always tried to maintain high standards of quality both in terms of its curriculum and also in terms of the students who pass out of these hallowed portals. The courses at ADITYA gears the students with an all round approach to the leadership along with inculcating into them a strong sense of conceptual skills.
At ADITYA, apart from the academic focus, we also believe in the development of social and emotional quotient of the students which would ultimately help in shaping their personality as a whole. This integral and value based formation will propel our students to be innovative, competent, creative and socially aware leaders of tomorrow who would seek to bring in continuous learning and growth in the organizations they join. The diversity and knowledge of the batch would surely help you in seeking young talent for the various challenging roles in your organizations.