Cisco Networking Academy is an IT skills and career building program for learning institutions and individuals worldwide. Cisco Networking Academy identifies and develops the skills people and businesses need to thrive in a digital economy. It works with educators, employers, and technology experts to create courses that prepare students for the future. The Networking Academy curriculum is delivered online using a proprietary learning platform in partnership with local learning institutions. Cisco provides the curriculum, learning platform, and support resources. Local learning institutions hire instructors, provide equipment, and enrol students.
These courses help students develop technical mastery and build critical thinking and problem-solving skills needed to succeed.
IT Essentials covers fundamental computer and career skills for entry-level IT jobs. The IT Essentials course includes hands-on labs that provide practical experience to prepare you for enterprise networking.
IT Essentials is ideal for students seeking entry-level IT positions in companies, government agencies, educational institutions, or service providers, or to work for themselves.