Sri.N.SESHA REDDY - Chairman

ADITYA, the premier promoter of quality education in the coastal districts for the past two decades, leads various institutions ranging from K.G to P.G baesides professional colleges like Engineering, Pharmacy and Nursing. ADITYA, with its enviable position in coaching and achievements in Intermediate examinations and a plethora of state ranks like 2nd, 4th, 6th, 9th, and 10th in EAMCET and district first rank in IIT, AIEEE, EAMCET, BITSAT, has brought great repute to Kakinada in the entire state of Andhra Pradesh.
Aditya Engineering College, being the first of its kind in the district to be recognized by the AICTE and certified by the prestigious ISO 2000, speaks volumes of what ADITYA is.
Owing to the rapid changes in the field of education, subjects like Computer science, Bio-technology, Bio-chemistry, Micro-biology and Electronics have gained enormous significance as they provide great career opportunities. Keeping this in view, ADITYA launched Degree College and Degree College for Women in Kakinada. ADITYA is the only educational institution that provides an integrated coaching for ICET, IIT-JAM, AUCET, ED-CET right from the first year of Graduation.
Placements 2021-2022