Qua : Ph.D., Business Management
Exp : 20 Years
"Dr. Sanjay Kumar Presently working as a Principal at Aditya Global Business School, Surampalem. He has more than twenty years of work experience with the blend of academia & industry knowledge. Qualified UGC NET in 20ll and earned Ph.D. in Business Management from Kakatiya University, Telangana in 2020. Areas of interest are Sales Management, Education, Media and Entertainment.He had ten years of industry experience in sales and marketing domain, before embarking on an academic career. "
Worked at various positions with India's well known media houses like Indian Express Newspapers (Bombay) Limited, India Today Group, DNA Newspaper & Times Group (timesjobs.com). He Handled Government Business, MSMEs, Retail Business, Corporate Business, Institutional Sales, Advertising Agencies & Manpower Consultants based at Hyderabad. Majority of the Job involved selling and marketing of advertisement space in the above print media publications.Prior to joining Aditya Global Business School, worked as Assistant Professor of Marketing, School of Management, Presidency University, Bengaluru, worked as Senior Academic Associate at Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad. At ISB, assisted outstanding faculty not only from ISB but also from world's best B-schools like Stanford University, The Wharton, Columbia Business School, UCLA etc. In 2012 Credited Entrepreneurship course at ISB. He received appreciation letter from Professor V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, Adams Distinguished Professor of Management and Emeritus, Stanford Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, USA and visiting faculty to ISB. He delivered guest lectures and induction programs to various graduate & post graduate students in Telangana & Andhra Pradesh states. Participated and presented papers in National & International conferences. Published six papers with google scholar h-index 2 and i10-index 1 cited in sagepub.com, researchgate.net, scitation.org.emraldinsight.com, ieee.org.
Invited as visiting faculty to Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM), Hyderabad, Siva Sivani Institute of Management (SSIM), Hyderabad and Annapurna College of Film and Media (ACFM), Hyderabad. He has been awarded as the "Best Academic Associate of the year-2016-ISB" by MFAB Class of 2016. One of the winners of “Face book Step out Story” contest 2012 sponsored by Samsonite.
He also rendered exemplar se rvices as a Corporate Consulting and Training.
Bestow offline training to sales team at MSME Deals on 20th February 2021, Hyderabad. Confer online training to 50 employees including CEO to India Retails & Hospitality Private Limited (IRHPL), Bengaluru on 5th May 2020.

Dr. Meherji Duvvuri
Qua : Ph.D. (Mgt), NET(Management), MBA., ARMFA., PGDMM., PGDCA., NET (Commerce)., M.Com., LLB.,
Exp:28+ Years
"He has written many articles on information dissemination in Financial Markets, Trading Mechanisms, Portfolio Management, Fundamental Analysis & Technical Analysis and, most recently, on Corporate Governance and Innovations in Banking & Insurance. He has published around 40 research papers with ISSN/ISBN in National and International Seminars.
A book entitled "Investment Opportunities in Sunrise State of Andhra Pradesh" got appreciations from then Chief Minister of the State during the year 2018.
He has worked as a Manager (Finance & Accounts) in a bulk drug Manufacturing Industry for eight years handled Accounting, Corporate Finance, Treasury, Secretarial, Legal, and MIS.
He has 20 + years of teaching experience in subjects like Accounting, Advance Management Accounting, Financial Management, Securities Analysis, and Portfolio Management, Strategic Financial Management, Financial Risk Management, International Financial Management, Banking Theory and Practice, Merchant Banking.
With his practical experience and theoretical base, he is striving to fill the gap between Industry and Institution, by giving practical-oriented teaching at Degree and PG levels. In the research area, he guided more than 1000 students at Degree and PG Level and guided many Research Scholars to complete their thesis. It has given remarkable command over the Research Methodologies.
He is a premium educator at Harvard Business Review and reviewed many articles."

Mrs. Shailaja Rao
Qua : (Ph.D), MBA (HRM), M.A (English), B.Ed, B.A
Exp:27 Years
"Mrs. Shailaja Rao is a result driven Management and Communications professional with an excellent ability to collaborate with students at all levels. She is also a Soft Skills Trainer with a proven track record of getting students job ready. Educationist with nearly 26 years of corporate and teaching experience. Specialized in soft skills training and Human Resource Management courses to strengthen students' abilities. She thrives in challenging situations and follows innovative teaching practices to effectively manage students of various cultures and backgrounds. Her areas of interest include Human Resources, Soft Skills and Emotional Intelligence. Strong capacity to organize and manage events on strict timelines. She has strong leadership skills, and well-versed in proofreading strategies and APA guidelines. Published Articles in major National and International Seminars. Has travelled extensively and has conducted training programs in various educational institutions. Performance driven educational professional with an unparalleled work ethic. Member of AIMA (All India Management Association- New Delhi )".

Qua : (Ph.D), MBA UGC NET,MLM,LLB,Blisc.
Exp:14 Years
Mrs A. Vijaya Bhargavi, is currently associated with ADITYA GLOBAL BUSINESS SCHOOL as Associate Professor in Management Studies. She holds an experience of 10 yrs in teaching and also a member in Kakinada BAR Association being wellversed with legal affairs. she handles subjects like HRM,Management principles,IR. GHRM, OB, Mangement of change ,Legal Aspectsof Business ect. and with agreat passion for research ,she published research papers in 5 international conferences, 5 national conferences,3 national seminars and attented 6 workshops , 4 FDP's. she plays an active part in organising management fest, conferences and industrial visits.she is also acting as a overall coordinator for degree cources in AGBS.

Mr. V. Venkateswara Rao
Qua : M.Com., MBA
"Mr. . Venkateswara Rao, is currently Associate Professor in ADITYA GLOBAL BUSINESS SCHOOL. He is having 9 years of Teaching Experience. He completed M. Com., (Accounting) M.B.A (Finance and Marketing) He participated in several International, National Conferences and Faculty Development Programs. His areas of interest are Accounting and Finance. He has handled multiple subjects comprising of Accounting for Managers, Financial Management, Financial Risk Management , Banking and Insurance, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management and International Financial Management etc.. He trained & guided more than 80 academic projects for the students of MBA."

Mrs.S.Krishna Soujanya
Qua : (Ph.D), MBA(Mktg) ,MA(English ),BA
Exp:16.5 years
Mrs. S.Krishna Soujanya is a versatile Individual who dons many hats as a Teacher,Researcher,Author,blogger,Quizzer and Mentor .She believes in Innovative teaching methodology and Student centric learning. Her sessions incorporate various practical assignments like taking part in fests ,haats and retail marts and thereby leading to rich contribution by students to sessions .She possesses 5.5 years Teaching and 10 years of rich Industrial Experience from Indian Oil Corporation Limited, a Maharatna Company. She has Qualified UGC-NET and APSET. She is pursuing Ph.D. from JNTUK Kakinada in the area of Marketing. She completed M.B.A(Marketing) from NIT Trichy. She has authored a book with the title " Marketing Management " .Her publications include myriad range of topics from Rural Marketing to Gender issues to Agrimarketing to Social Media . Her primary research interests include Marketing and Entrepreneurship. .Her work has been accepted across various conferences hosted by reputed Institutes. She has attended various National and International Workshops, Conferences, Colloquiums, Case study Conferences, the latest being IIM INDORE-NASMEI Marketing Conference. She operates a blog named "creativibesblog.wordpress.com. Avid Quizzer herself, she has taken part in various National Level Quizzing events across India and coaches students of Quiz Club in reaching their goals and realizing their full potential. Mentoring and coaching come very naturally to her .She is a mentor for startups like Getmybooks, GetmyTailor from Aditya Engineering College.

Mr.M Govardhan Reddy
Qua : M.Com,MBA,B.Ed
Exp:11 years
A result Oriented Management professional with an excellent ability to collaborate with students at all levels. He thrives in challenging situations and follows innovative teaching practices to effectively manage students of various recent trends in finance sector. He is having 10 years of Teaching experience. He has to his credit, 13 Articles published in reputed National and International Management and Commerce Journals. He has participated and presented more than 12 papers in both National and International Seminars/Conferences. His interested areas are: Accounting, Financial Management, Investment Management, Merchant Banking and Financial Services Corporate Financial Analyst, Strategic Financial Management Etc.

Mr.Challapalli Rajkumar
Mr.Challapalli Rajkumar is an enthusiastic faculty member of Marketing and Human resource management, having 11 years of rich experience in teaching & 1 year of staffing industry. He is also well versed in other cross functional areas like placements and softskills training. He has qualified for Andhrapradesh State Eligibility Test 2014 in Management. He presented papers in 7 national level seminars and published research paper in an International Journal He acquired his Masters in Business Management from ICFAI University, Dehradun in the year 2007 and Post Graduate Diploma in Project Management (PGDPM) from University of Hyderabad. Also, His passion towards Business Education induced him to acquire another Masters Degree in Business Administration with specialisation in Marketing and Finance from the reputed Andhra University

Qua: MBA (PhD)
Exp: 12 Years
M. Geetha is currently associated with ADITYA GLOBAL BUSINESS SCHOOL as Assistant Professor in Management Studies. having 12 years of experience in teaching, 2 years in industry side with the functional areas recruitment and training. 6Years in Teaching, dealing with various management subjects like principles of management, Human Resource Management with different specializations and strategic management etc. Along with academics to upgrade my knowledge I attended 2 national conferences, FDP, And published one research paper in HR stream. research with effective communication and interpersonal abilities to positive career bringing proven success in implementing technology-based curriculum delivery and assessment tools. Passionate about academic development and success for every student and for better institutional outcomes. Willingness to take on added responsibilities to meet team goals and long term perspective of organization development.
Published paper on Interface Among Teamwork and Three key of Organizational Behavior- An Empirical Study Amid Techs in International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity.
Presented a paper on changing roles of HR managers in 21st century at the National Conference on Research issues in Business Management, organized by St.Anns college of Engineering & Technology, Chirala.
Participated and Presented various papers on different subject areas such as E-Quiz on “Research Methodology & Statistical Analysis’, Attended in the FDP on Capacity building program for teachers during and post covid-19.
Awarded an appreciation certificate for active participation in national level online quiz on Essence of Management, organized by Sri Saritha Institute of Engineering & Technology.

Sudhamsetti Naveen
Qua: MBA
Exp: 11 Years
Mr.Sudhamsetti Naveen received his MBA from Andhra University and is engaged in teaching and research at Post Graduate level Management Programmes for11 years. He qualified for UGC NET in the year 2012. He also has industry experience in marketing-related functions. At present, he is working as Assistant Professor of Management Studies ADITYA GLOBAL BUSINESS SCHOOL,surampalem
He authored 3 textbooks on Marketing and Human Resource Management and also published more than 17 research papers in various journals of national and international repute. He was recognized as one of the members of the editorial board of research stars journals. He participated in various national and international conferences and seminars. He is having membership in Professional Organizations like MISTE, In his long career, he received awards like Best Faculty Award" for the year 2014. He has acted as a visiting faculty for distance education programs conducted by various universities. He acted as a Resource person for Entrepreneurial Development programs and He acted as Judge of various management events in JNTUK affiliated colleges

G. Lakshmi Prasad
Qua: MA Hindi, M-Phil Hindi, BA Hindi, Rashtra Bhasha Praveena Hindi, Hindi Pandit.
Exp: 20 Years
G. Lakshmi Prasad having 20 years of Teaching Experience in Hindi subject, is currently working as an Asst. Professor at Aditya Global business School. He has been confirmed with M-Phil in 2013. And he is a member of Dakshina Bharata Hindi Prachara Sabha.

Smt. M.Prathyusha
Qua : M.B.A., M.com.,PGDHRM.,(Ph.D)
Exp: 10 years in teaching Management Students.
Presented National seminar papers (3)and International seminar papers (1) and published in ISBN
Published two Research papers in World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (WWJMRD) and Development and in International Journal of Business and Management Invention (IJBMI).

Mr. Akshay Kumar G
Qua: MBA, M.Com, APSET,(Ph. D),Assistant Professor
EXP: 9 Years
Mr. Akshay Kumar is an enthusiastic faculty member of Finance and Marketing management, having 07 years of experience in teaching & 2 years of experience in industry. He has qualified for Andhra Pradesh State Eligibility Test 2019 in Management. He published and presented around 10 research papers in national, International level Journals, and Conferences, workshops and also Seminars. He acquired his Masters Degree in Business Administration with specialization in Finance and Marketing from the reputed Andhra University, in the year 2012 and Completed M.Com from GITAM University. He is certified by GOOGLE DIGITAL GARAGE for “The Fundamentals of Digital Marketing” course. He completed several online courses in UNICIF, COURSERA, UDEMY, NPTEL, EDUONIX, online platforms. He attended several AICTE workshops and FDPs conducted by national and international institutes.

Mr. B. Kameswara Sarma
Qua: B.Tech. Mech,CRT Trainer
EXP: 1 Years
Mr. B.Kameswara sarma is an Result Oriented professional with an excellent ability to collaborate with students at all levels in Arithmetic and Reasoning problems. He is having B.tech degree in Mechanical stream. He has participated in both National and International Seminars/Conferences/workshops.

Puchakayala NVV Satyanarayana
Qua: M.Com, MBA, M.Com, SET, FDP-IIMA, & (Ph.D)
EXP: 23 years
Associate Professor of Finance
Aditya Global Business School Surampalem-Andhra Pradesh-India
I am delighted to be with Aditya Global Business School (AGBS), under the flagship of Aditya Group of Educational Institutions, as Associate Professor of Finance and teaching PG and UG students since January, 2023. I was also with AGBS during 2019-20. I am having vast experience of teaching Accounting and Finance, and other allied subjects in the area of commerce and management at UG and PG level with institutions of repute like Andhra Kesari Degree College, GIET, Rajiv Gandhi PG College, AKNU (as Guest Faculty) in Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh for about 23 years. I, as Research Associate, have worked for ICSSR IMPRESS Research Project on “Assessment of Service Quality in Secondary Education w.r.t Select Schools in SouthernIndia”at AKNU during 2020-21. I have published 16 research articles in several national (Four) and international (12) journals of repute indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, UGC CARE, etc., I have presented several research papers in national (5) and international (11) conferences held at reputed Universities like Oxford Brooks University-UK, Maharishi International University-USA, ICFAI-India and University of Derby-UK (jointly held in India), NationalandKapodistrianUniversityofAthens-Greece, University of Jaffna-Sri Lanka, IIMT-India, IIMA-India, Nirma University-India, etc.
My teaching interests are in the area of AdvancedFinancialAccounting,AdvancedManagementAccounting,FinancialManagement, Securities Analysis and Portfolio Management, Financial Derivatives, Strategic Management, Managerial Economics. My Research interests mainly focus on Corporate Finance andAccounting; Business Ethics; Corporate Social Responsibility; Leadership; Vedic Spirituality; and Service Quality in Education. Presently carrying research on Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code-2016 as part of my Ph.D at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
I have received several national and international awards for academic and research excellence. They include: i) Best Research Paper Award for a research article titled “Post-mortem Analysis of Dirty Dozen Companies Referred by RBI to IBC”, inIIMA FDP –cum – Reunion Conference, 2023 heldat IIMA, Ahmedabad, India; ii) Kamal Sharma Award of Academic Excellence – 2022 by Lexicon International Group ofInstitutions,Pune,iii) BestResearcherAwardfromResearchGateWayduring7thINTERNATIONALMELLENNIUMIMPACT AWARD–2021; iv) Best Research Paper Awardfor Research Article titled “Evaluation ofInsolvency
Best Research Paper Award for Research Article Entitled "Investment Climate of Uttarakhand" in National Conference on Uttarakhand in 21st Century: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities, Himgiri Zee University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India during 2019.
I, as member, have associate with several professional bodies like Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI); IndiaIndianAcademyof Management(INDAM); Common Ground Research Networks (CGRN) -University of Illinois- USA; International Society for Academic Researchers (ISFAR)-Tanzania; AmericanPsychological Association(APA)-USA; and AmericanBankruptcyInstitute(ABI)-USA. I am also an editorial board member for JournalofFinanceandAccounting; and InternationalJournalofAccounting,Finance,andRiskManagement,SciencePublicationGroup,USA.
Further information on my academics and research can be found at the following links: Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Uk4iRdsAAAAJ&hl=en ORCID:https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6337-4235
Education is War against Societal Enemies
“Education is all about declaring war against Illiteracy, Un-Employment, and Poverty – the three Societal Enemies to combat. Hence, be-careful, be-diligent, and be-honest in combating the Societal Enemies”
Qua: MA. Hindi, BA.HEP, MA. History,
EXP: 23 Years
I'm pleasure to introduce myself; I'm S.T.P.sudharani, currently working as Hindi assistant professor in Aditya global business school. Also experienced in Hindi since 23 years. And completed my MA. Hindi, MA. Telugu (pursuing), BA.HEP, MA. History, Fashion designing. And I'm the one of the member of Dakshan Bharath Hindi Pracharasabha.

Dr.K. Venkata Padma MHRM, Ph.d
Qua: Post Graduation from Andhra University in Human Resource Management
EXP: 3yrs
Miss .K Venkata Padma is currently associated with ADITYA GLOBAL BUSINESS SCHOOL as Assistant Professor in Management Studies . She got her Doctoral Degree from Andhra University in Conflict Management Styles with reference to Andhra Paper Limited Rajamahendravaram. Published Two research papers on International journals ISSN i.e “ Social economy on Weaker sections like Sc, St, OBC and Minorities” and “Conflict Management Styles : A conceptual Study . (JETIR) and I presented two national seminars papers on “Aspects of Gender Disparities among the youth and “HR Excellence through Personality Development. I also participated in various conferences and seminars conducted by UGC. I selected UGC fellowship( RGNF) on merit basis .
I also got two gold medals in post Graduation from Andhra University in Human Resource Management .past to the experience She had worked as Placement Incharge for one year in samitha Degree College Rajamundry in tie up with Vikasa collectorate and have 3 yrs of research experience in Statistical tools. Teaching is passion with an aim to share her knowledge and other experiences in HR Specialiaion.

Qua: MBA
EXP: 1yr
I am ANLS. JYOTHI working as an Asst.Prof in Aditya Global Business School, Having 1 year of teaching experience as Assistant Professor. Proficient in soft skills and dealing with GD, JAM and HR subjects. Worked in the Steel Plant, Vizag as an HR Trainee. Knowing the HR activities such as employee attendance, dealt with on-boarding process of employees.

Dr P.Subba Rao
Qua: MCom , Management, Economics and LLB
EXP: 25yrs
EXP: 25yrs
I am Dr P.Subba Rao. I have more than 25 years of teaching experience. I have mastered Commerce, Management, Economics and LLB. In 2016, I finished my Ph.D. in management studies. I have published 2 Scopus, 1 Web of Science and more than 20 UGC Care and UGC Listed research papers in leading journals, Patent publications are 2 and presented papers in various National and International Conferences.

Qua: M.A (Eco)., M.Phil (Eco)., Ph.D (Eco)., Post-doc (Eco)., B.Ed., B.L.,
EXP: 14yrs
Dr. Andugula. Srinivasa Rao presently working as Assistant Professor in Aditya Global Business School, Surampalem. He has more than 14 years of work experience with the blend of academia and research knowledge. Obtained Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) in economics from University of Hyderabad, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) (2018) in economics from University of Hyderabad and Post-doctoral (2023) in Economics from University of Hyderabad, Telangana. His other qualifications are Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) in Social Sciences from Indira Gandhi National Open University, (IGNOU) Hyderabad and Bachelor of Law (B.L) from Andhra University, Vishakhapatnam. Areas of interest are research and teaching. He has 12 years of teaching and two years of research experience. Participated in conferences and presented papers in National and published seven papers in International Journals. He has worked as Lecturer in different colleges in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana His research areas are agricultural sector and non-agricultural (rural non-farm) sector in rural areas of India.

Ravi Teja
Qua: B.Tech. Mech
EXP: 12yrs
Ravi Tej has done his Graduation in Mechanical Engineering from M.V.Jayaraman College of Engineering affiliated to Bangalore University in the year 2001.He has worked on ISO 9001-2000 documentation for one of the subsidiaries of IFB.
He pursued his Post Graduation from Indian Business Academy which is an Autonomous college in the field of Human Resources Specialization. He has around 12 years of work experience working with MNC’s like IBM Daksh, Tesco HSC Pvt. Ltd., Larsen and Toubro Technology Services, Wipro GE Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., Indian Medtronic Pvt. Ltd., and SS Innovations Pvt. Ltd., He has handled the roles of Human Resource Operations and Employee Relations.

Qua: MBA, AP SET Qualified
EXP: 9yrs
Deepa Datla is a distinguished expertise in HR, Marketing and General marketing bringing 9 years of experience to our academic community. With a passion for Human resource management ,talent management, marketing management, Deepa Datla has made significant contributions to the field through groundbreaking research, innovative teaching methods, and industry collaborations.
Academic Credentials:
- Pursuing ph.D. in HR from JNTUGV
- MBA, AP SET Qualified
Teaching Excellence:
Deepa Datla is renowned for their engaging and thought-provoking teaching style. They have taught a wide range of courses in Human resource management and General management and consistently receive high praise from students for their dedication and expertise.
Industry Engagement:
In addition to their academic pursuits, Deepa Datla holds 4 years of industrial experience. They have providing students with real-world insights and opportunities.

Qua: MBA, B.com honours and (Ca- Final)
EXP: 8yrs
Surya Teja Badam's expertise in Finance, marketing, and general management. With 8 years of experience in this field, he has made valuable contributions to the academic community by conducting groundbreaking workshops and seminars, pioneering teaching techniques. Moreover, Surya Teja badam appears to have a strong passion for finance specialisation, Audit field and stock markets. The industry collaborations i have formed are particularly noteworthy and add real-world relevance to my work. I had an specialised experience in audit field too with respect to bank audit, stat audit, internal audit, stock audit etc..,.
Academic Credentials:
- MBA, B.com honours and (Ca- Final)
Teaching Excellence:
Surya teja badam is renowned for engaging and thought-provoking teaching style. I have taught a wide
range of courses in Finance and General management and for Professional courses like CA also and
consistently receive high praise from students for their dedication and expertise.
Industry Engagement:
In addition to their academic pursuits, Surya Teja badam holds 3 years of Audit experience. They have
providing students with real-world insights and opportunities and 4 years of entrepreneurship workshop

G V Lakshmi
Qua: MBA
EXP: 9yrs
Currently associated with ADITYA GLOBAL BUSINESS SCHOOL, Surampalem as an Associate Professor in Management studies dealing with various Management subjects and conducting classroom activities to the students by using my Industrial and corporate exposure to reach their career aspirations.
As a result, oriented Professional with 9 yrs. of rich experience in HR field in Corporate like HDFC BANK LTD, RAK CERAMICS LTD, SOMANY CERAMICS LTD and Man Power Consultancies has expertise in key functional areas of HR-Employee Engagement activities, Performance Management, Recruitment, Grievance Handling, HR Operations, HR Policies, Attrition Management etc. Attended and participated in National level Management Conferences, Seminars and Workshops.

Qua: MBA
EXP: 1yrs
Angel currently working as an Assistant professor in Aditya Global Business School, surampalem. Proficient in soft skills and dealing with Hr subjects, GD and JAM. She done her post graduation from Adikavi Nannaya University MSN Campus, kakinada in the dual specialization of Human Resources and Marketing. She had an experience as an Hr in Makersmind Soft Solutions. She had handled about human resources operations, employee relations. She also had a Teaching experience of 1 year at Vinanda degree college.

Qua: M.Sc
EXP: 10 yrs
Mr. B. Suresh Kumar, is currently associated with AGBS as Asst.Professor in management studies. He has an experience of 10 years in teaching in various institutions. He handles subjects like Basic mathematics, Fundamental and Applied Statistics and Operations Research. He attend several online and offline workshops and 3 FDP's