2ND DAY OF THEME TALK 04.01.18@apssri

On the second day of THEME TALK Surya Group (I B) presented their topic FRUITS ARE FRUITFUL. They presented the content in a very magnificent way with some relevant rhymes on fruits. The lively conversation about how the fruits are useful and the precautions to be taken by us before eating fruits presented by the students got a thunderous applause from the parents. The message oriented dance performed by the students on the importance of fruits spell bound the audience. On the other side Khaga Group (III A & C) presented their topic PLANTS – THE ULTIMATE SOURCE OF FOOD. In the interest of the environment saplings were distributed to all the parents by the students in the presence of the principal Smt. M. Ramani & Vice principal Smt. N. Sridevi Reddy. Speaking on this occasion Director Smt. N. Sruthi Reddy said that the Theme Talk indeed helps the students to develop their language and expression skills. At the end appreciation certificates were presented to all the participants.

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