Fourth Day Theme Talk IXstd – Healthy Life Style@apsamp

         Healthy Life Style is the theme presented by IXstd students. Change in the life style resulted in number of health problems like stress, obesity, deficiency diseases etc. Ways to reduce obesity and proper diet and exercise were presented. Importance of fruits and vegetables and their caloric values, vitamins and minerals were educative. Fitness for healthy living was depicted through aerobics, yogasanas, suryanamaskaras, hula hoops, work outs were well performed.

Aditya’s ‘Edufest’ Theme talk for primary and High School was educative, informative and illustrated the calibre and enthusiasm of the students to perfom on stage. Parents response was overwhelming. Principal appreciated the talent exhibited by the students and said that ‘Theme Talk’ prepares the student to Overcome stage fear and a chance for better exposure.

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