Monthly Archive: February 2017


Hand writing competition@apsamp

Good Hand Writing plays the Vital role in education. Our adityans showed their excellence in National English Hand Writing Competition-2016 Organised by Mother Teresa Children’s Development society- Aurangabad (Maharashtra). Four of our students were...


Feather in the cap of Aditya@apsamp

Feather in the cap of Aditya In the Central Zone Shuttle Badmintion Grig Competitions. Our girl Champions K.Sireesha of X Class and K.Devi Sarvani of VIII Class proved their power once again by winning...


Esssay writing comeptition@apsamp

In all India essay writing event 2016 organised by Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM) & United Nations Information Centre for India & Bhutan ( UNIC). Our students showed their best performance and were given...