The students of Aditya School, Srinagar P. Tapsyavalli (VI std), B. Akshaya (VI std), P. Bhadralasya (VI std), B. Rakshitha (IV) secured 1st prize in a Classical Dance Competition conducted by Alumni Jawahar Bala Bhawan. P. Tapasyavalli was appreciated with a beautiful crown as the Queen of Classical Dance. In another event J. Satya Vaishnavi of class X got selection for under nineteen Junior State Chess Championship which is going to be conducted on 7th, 8th, 9th of August in Vizag. The School Principal Smt. M. Ramani and Vice Principal Smt. N. Sridevi Reddy congratulated the prize winners. Director Smt. N. Sruthi Reddy appreciated the effort of the young talents.
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