Welcome to the Edifying minds……..the annual Theme Talk that commenced with great fervor on 27th Nov,2018 here in, Aditya Talent School@Gollagudem.
Failures are the stepping stones of success. A child’s career enables to taste the flavor of success. Education is sound, creative and innovative and together will helps the student self-made to face any challenges in this competitive world.
The first spell started with Class-V (PEARLS) – THE RIGHT WAY TO SUCCESS, exhibited the Theme in multiple expressions. PPT presentation of successful people who were failures at their beginnings , narratives of scholars and intellects captivated the parents. With an eye on the future, connecting various fields of career opportunities, learning them and make them understand better was well depicted by the 5th pearls. Achievements of icons through lively plays, Exploring career goals after school in the mode of information were brought out in holistic manner.
Aiming fascinating careers can offer a window to the world , but possible only through the formula Passion + Hard work = Success. Aspiring towards Success is not a childhood fantasy, was well portrayed by the students.
Parents were elated with the performance of their children and cheered them in great eulogize. Parents expressed their ecstasy and conveyed that it was a praiseworthy event for the young minds. And also appreciated the staff & management for designing such creative and thoughtful program for the students. Primary Principal Mrs.Lakshmi Devi addressed the gathering saying that Theme talk is a platform to the students to value and uphold the importance of intrinsic motivation. The only motto behind the show is to make the children think( though young), of the possible career paths that lead to ensure success of achieving their dreams and targets. This stage is also for the students to improvise self-talk and positive thinking among them. Later appreciation certificates were given to all the students.
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