157th Birthday of Sri Gurajada Venkata Apparao was celebrated at Aditya Degree College, Kakinada. Sri Gurajada Venkata Apparao was born on 21st September 1862 at his maternal uncle’s home in Rayavaram village, near YelamanchiliVisakhapatnam. He was a noted Indian playwright, dramatist, poet, and a writer known for his works in Telugu theatre. He also wrote the play Kanyasulkam in 1892, which is often considered as the greatest play in the Telugu language and a critique on the then society. On this occasion, Aditya Degree & P.G.Colleges, Academic Director, Dr.B.E.V.L Naidu, garlanded the photo of Sri Gurajada and stated that every individual with telugu as their mother tongue should honor this great personality and should sing the National song with prior and responsibility. Sri T.Tejeswararao, HOD, Department of Telugu, Aditya Degree College, told that Sri Gurajada frequently dabbled in poetry, and is credited with creating a new style of poetry in the Telugu Literature. He also stated that Gurajada is not only a poet but also a social reformer where in the Play Wright, Kanyasulkam, he picturised the social evils prevailing in the society.

Aditya Educational Institutions, Chairman, Dr.N.Sesha Reddy; Secretary, Sri N.Krishna Deepak Reddy appreciated the Telugu Department for organizing the program and remembered Sri Gurajada. Aditya Degree College, Vice-Principal, Sri.Ch.V.V.Satyanarayana, Department of Telugu, HOD, Sri T.Tejeswararao, faculty,Sri B.Dalinaidu, SriP.Venkateswararao, Smt.D.Eswaramma and students participated.


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