The Jingles of ubiquitous, the crisp of the air and the twinkling chirps adorn the campus on christmas Eve.
Aditya school Srinagar, Kakinada embraced the spirit of Christmas with joyous celebrations to mark the tradition and togetherness. Our tiny tots commemorated the birth of Jesus Christ on this occasion. The celebrations were splendid. Carols were sung melodiously. The gala commenced with a prayer song and the tiny tots came up with the greatest significance of the day. Our cutie pies mesmarised the gala with their outstanding performances. The angels of our Aditya enlightened the tiny tots with an illuminating information. about the star, christmas tree and Jesus Christ.
Our little munchkins delivered a message to their fellows that every now and then one must serve the needy according to their level. The message by our beloved Principal Mr. T. Ramesh added colours to the day. The celebrations were entitled as a shower of blessings.
Children were super excited, when they noticed Santa. They found the real joy of christmas and cheered happy christmas and merry christmas.
All the teachers, Principal Mr. T. Ramesh, Vice Principal Smt. Vijaya Umapathi and co-ordinator Mrs. Rajini had cut the cake and wished every one to be happy on the occasion
The program came to an end with cake distribution and roaring applause… “Happy! Happy Christmas!” Merry Merry Christmas!

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