Aditya jkpur paid a sad farewell to the senior teacher Salagrama Ramalakshmi Garu on Saturday. She has successfully completed her service in the field of education as Physics and Maths teacher for 44 Years (32 years at Gandhi centenary, 12 years at Aditya jkpur). She is an icon of simplicity, honesty, dedication and punctuality. She influenced not only the lives of our youngest learners but also mentoring several teachers at the start of their career.

School Director Smt. N. Shruthi Reddy madam felicitated and showed a token of gratitude by presenting a memento and appreciated the relentless high standards and commitment of Ramalakshmi Madam. Principal and staff showed their love and affection and honoured her in a traditional way.  Principal madam opined that she had understood the  warm and caring nature of Ramalakshmi Madam within few days. Some of the teachers expressed that they would miss the exuberant deeds of Ramalakshmi garu which inspired them a lot.

We are all very proud of what Ramalakshmi madam achieved for all these years which is really well and inspirational. We will all sorely miss our Ramalakshmi Madam and wish her well in her retirement and spending with her family. The entire programe has been guided under the supervision of Principal Smt. B. Supraja Rani  madam. We thank our management for giving us this opportunity to organize this farewell meet.


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